Bridge crane maintenance management system

bridge crane maintain

1. Purpose

  • To standardize the maintenance and management work of bridge crane, and ensure the safety, reliability, and efficiency of the equipment.
  • To prevent and reduce the faults and accidents of bridge crane, extend the service life of the equipment, and lower the operation cost.
  • To improve the efficiency and quality of bridge crane, and meet the production and operation needs.

2. Scope

  • This system applies to all the maintenance and management work of bridge crane in this unit.
  • This system does not apply to the installation, modification, or major repair work of bridge crane.

3. Responsibility

  • The user unit of bridge crane should be responsible for the daily management and use of bridge crane, and carry out the maintenance and management work according to the requirements of this system, conduct regular safety inspection and test of bridge crane, eliminate the hidden dangers in time, and ensure the safe operation of bridge crane.
  • The maintenance unit of bridge crane should be responsible for the regular maintenance work of bridge crane, and provide high-quality, efficient, and standardized service according to the requirements of this system and the contract agreement, and ensure the technical performance and safety performance of bridge crane.
  • The operator of bridge crane should be responsible for the operation and maintenance of bridge crane, and use and maintain the bridge crane correctly according to the requirements of this system and the operation procedure, comply with the safety operation rules, and prevent the occurrence of personal and equipment accidents.

4. Maintenance and Management Content

  • The maintenance and management content of bridge crane mainly includes daily maintenance, regular maintenance, and annual maintenance.
  • Daily maintenance refers to the cleaning, lubrication, inspection, fastening, adjustment, and other work that the user unit of bridge crane carries out before and after each use or at the end of each shift, the main purpose is to keep the bridge crane clean and in good working condition, eliminate the fault hidden dangers, and prevent the occurrence of accidents.
  • Regular maintenance refers to the maintenance work that the maintenance unit of bridge crane carries out every month or every quarter, the main purpose is to check and replace the wearing parts and invalid components of bridge crane, adjust and repair the control system and safety device of bridge crane, and ensure the normal operation and safety performance of bridge crane.
  • Annual maintenance refers to the maintenance work that the maintenance unit of bridge crane carries out every year, the main purpose is to conduct a comprehensive inspection and test of the main load-bearing structure, main configuration, control system, and other parts of bridge crane, evaluate the safety condition and service life of bridge crane, and propose suggestions for repair, modification, or scrapping.

5. Maintenance and Management Cycle

  • The maintenance and management cycle of bridge crane should be determined comprehensively according to the factors such as the use frequency, use environment, service life, and so on of bridge crane, generally, it is recommended to carry out the maintenance and management according to the following cycle:
  • Daily maintenance: before and after each use or at the end of each shift.
  • Regular maintenance: once a month or once a quarter.
  • Annual maintenance: once a year.

6. Maintenance and Management Record

  • The maintenance and management work of bridge crane should have complete, accurate, and standardized records, the record content should include the time, place, content, result, personnel, signature, and so on of the maintenance and management, the record method can be paper or electronic, the record retention period should not be less than the service life of bridge crane.
  • The maintenance and management record of bridge crane should be an important part of the safety technical file of bridge crane, and should be archived and backed up regularly, for the relevant departments and personnel to consult and use.

7. Maintenance and Management Quality

  • The maintenance and management work of bridge crane should ensure the quality, follow the principles of safety, reliability, efficiency, and energy saving, conform to the national standards and regulations, and meet the use requirements of bridge crane.
  • The maintenance and management work of bridge crane should conduct quality inspection and satisfaction survey, evaluate and analyze the effect and feedback of the maintenance and management, find and solve the problems in time, and continuously improve and enhance the service level.
  • If there is any quality dispute in the maintenance and management work of bridge crane, it should be communicated and negotiated in time, and handled according to the contract agreement and relevant laws and regulations, and protect the legitimate rights and interests of both parties.

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